Programs and other operating information used to perform business logic and data manipulation.
Iseka Service Pty Ltd is a software company based in Melbourne, Australia. Iseka Services and LogixOne TM create software systems for business purposes for a range of different customers within different industries. Other than personal computing devices Iseka Services does NOT provide any of its own IT Infrastructure.
Iseka Services Pty Ltd takes both the data integrity and business continuity of our customers very seriously and only utilise Tier 1 hosting providers. At a minimum, any data or software that Iseka Services creates is hosted within ISO 27001 compliant infrastructure.
Why do we use the SaaS model? One of the main reasons is that leveraging SaaS services is the best way companies of any size can leverage the latest in not only security technology but security practices and people that are able to actively manage their own environments on an ongoing basis. For all but the largest organisations being able to match the level of security companies such as Zoho, Google, Alibaba, Microsoft and the like provide would be basically impossible.
It is Iseka Services Pty Ltd view that leveraging the Cloud and SaaS based computing is by far the best way for companies of all sizes, especially smaller companies to secure not only their data but the business continuity processes.
The threat profile for companies that leverage technology to operate their business is ever changing. Threats can occur from not only from external actors but also internal personnel.
These threats can come from what is known as ‘vectors’, hackers that use a range of different techniques to violate companies IT Infrastructure such as Windows Servers and other personal computing devices such as windows and MAC desktops, Android and IOS smart devices. Hackers target the computers ‘Operating Systems’ with a range of techniques such as ‘phishing’ or ‘malware’ injection enable hackers to install in many cases undetected software to either extract data, control or further infect other computers.
The main techniques hackers use to impact small to medium businesses (SMBs) include; Bait and Switch, Cookie Theft, Eaves-dropping, Malware, Denial of Service, key logging and Phishing in an effort to either infect more computers within the organisation, or to use tactics such as “ransom” the company by removing access to company data and systems until such time as a payment is made (commonly known as ransom ware and is currently the predominant way hackers are leveraging their capabilities).
Please see this article: Source: KPMG 12th of May 2020.
The significance and prevalence of external attacks such as ransomware cannot be understated and companies hosting their own infrastructure need to be constantly working on protecting themselves by investing in expensive security technology and employing security professionals in an effort to combat this.
Another significant vector for subsequent data loss is from either intentional or non-intentional data and system downtime caused by employees. Disgruntled or malicious employees can steal data or impact systems by gaining access to company systems. It is also common for employees to lose data or harm IT Infrastructure un-intentionally. This can be in the form of accidental deletion, power cycling, or even using poor internet browsing practices and through not updating operating systems.
SaaS or Software as a Service is the provisioning of software technology and related support services on a subscription based commercial licensing agreement between the supplier and the customer or user. Over the past decade SaaS solutions have become attractive to end-users primarily because they offer the ability to access technology that in the past, only the largest companies could afford, given they are based on shared infrastructure cost model.
By leveraging SaaS computing solutions the company or user ‘out-sources’ their security posture to the SaaS provider thereby enabling the leveraging of that providers significantly better security technology and practices.
In addition, SaaS solutions, particularly the ones Iseka Services use means that any workflow software or data is, in most cases, never bought to the desktop or to personal computing devices. The users, other than IF they export the data, are only viewing the data.
SaaS computing not only provides the very best in security and data protection, it enables the customer, in many cases, to leverage a more cost effective software platform thereby further reducing cost.
Please review the table below for further reference.
We believe that running the very minimal amount of IT infrastructure on premises is the most appropriate strategy for companies that are considered Small to Medium for the following reasons:
Iseka Services – ISO 27001 Only
Very early on in the inception of Iseka Services, we made a decision that we would only partner with the very best SaaS and Cloud hosting companies. At a minimum, any data or software hosting provider of must have ISO 27001 certification.
Below are a list of some of our Vendor Partners and their corresponding security policies.
Zoho –
Google –
Alibaba –
Apple –
Further information on ISO 27001 –,successful%20completion%20of%20an%20audit.
In our experience SMBs mitigate far more risk when leveraging both SaaS and cloud-based hosting services. Apart from the significant cost reduction it allows SMBs to access both the security technology and the ‘best practices’ that large companies like Zoho and Google are able to provide. We believe that no SMB could protect themselves to the extent these companies can.
We often hear of criticism from IT vendors regarding the use of cloud in their customer’s environment. This is inherently motivated by their business needs to sell both hardware and ongoing support services. Criticism’s often centre on things like:
Small businesses need to be able to grow efficiently so that it can benefit profitably as revenue grows. This means controlling costs whilst leveraging technology, ensuring consideration of their exposure to attack. Building complex internal data systems is not only complex it is very risky. Cyber criminals are constantly searching for vulnerable systems and often find the server that is hidden in the cupboard has company data that can be used as a ransom.
In addition, the software technologies provided by SaaS companies run on a shared cost model. The cost to develop, design, host and support is shared by millions of paying users which allows SMBs, with help from people like Iseka Services, to afford the functionality that they could never implement themselves.