LogixOne HR simplifies the entire monthly payroll process, from schedule, attendance, BPJS and Taxes.
Calculating your payroll is always a challenging process that needs to be completed on a regular process. Many organisations utilise complicated spreadsheets that are often manually updated to reflect the actual working hours of each employee.
LogixOne payroll is tightly integrated into the LogixOne HR solution and as such automatically gathers employee working data such as shifts, Time and attendance and leave information to calculate your pay runs not only very quickly but accurately as well.
Given that the majority of data is already within the system incorrect data entry is removed and errors created because of incorrect formulas and manual calculations are a thing of the past.
LogixOne Payroll is tightly integrated into the other modules within LogixOne such as LogixOne Scheduler which enables you to create schedules for your employees across multiple different offices within the single platform.
The Payroll Dashboard enables you to setup employees contracts, schedule, attendance, leave related to your company payroll. All of the variables required to generate BPJS & PPH21. Once configured you are ready to generate the monthly payroll in just a click!
Most companies have their own customized payroll calculation. LogixOne Payroll provides a customized way to setup your BPJS & PPH21. Either share percentage with the employees or whether your company fully covers on behalf of the employees. You simply set it up once and you’re done, ready to automatically calculate based on your companies policy.
Simply select your payroll period, start date and end date. You can even filter for certain employees only.
Before your payroll is generated, you have the ability to check all your employees. The system will automatically highlight any issues caused by items such as incorrect attendance records and data completion. Here you can click on each issue and fix them before your final payroll calculation.
Sometimes a mistake can happen. employees are human. LogixOne PayRoll provides the ability to correct any attendance issues such as less working time recorded, wrong schedule applied, additional attendance that has no schedule, or name it! Completing this before running your payroll can reduce employee payroll questions significantly.
Your PayRoll is completed for all your employees in an instant. Easy!
All earnings and deduction are displayed in detail. You can also click on any number to view the tax calculation formula.
LogixOne is highly customized from the very beginning. So there always a room for any additional allowance or deduction that can be applied to specific employees. Add it and it will automatically calculate and adjust your PayRoll.